by david alexander brown

Norman Mailer called writing the spooky art. I think of it as a scary art. Sometimes so frightening, I can only scratch the surface, pretend I'm deep, and instead of creative writing slip into style and creative righting, all the while sporting pristine overalls with the words, Looking Good stitched on the front.

THE FLOW is a creative writing experience with an excavation point.  Let me emphasize: excavation.  I like conducting workshops where we all get down and dirty in the fecundity of our lives and stories. 

It's one thing to expose ourselves and share our hearts, but THE FLOW is also about thoughtful excavation -- dirt under the nails, digging deep with awareness, keeping an eye out for that still small vein hiding and throbbing in the caverns of our consciousness. 

Unrefined gold and raw diamonds aren't pretty -- yet. The forge and the blade have yet to do their work of transformation: 

           Geodes rocks minerals gems and jewels.  

Our unrefined elements tend to dwell deep with dirty beauty. Mudcaked and dust covered catching our eye with glints and twinkles the way stars do embedded in the never ending cave of night.

Let curiosity covet, desire dig, and the Imagination refine and redefine: 

           Geodes, rocks, minerals, gems, and jewels. 

And remember, like most forges, the foundry of ourselves is rarely stylish, spooky often, and dark with scary beauty. 


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