Have you ever sat down to write only to find yourself staring at a blank page or into the abyss of an empty screen, fingers hovering over the keys?
The fear of failure or perfectionism likes to strike when we start to write and create, hitting us with combinations of anxiety, doubt and fear. The response is to counter punch with permession or permission to mess up.
As Brenda Ueland, author of If You Want to Write, puts it,
The fear of failure or perfectionism likes to strike when we start to write and create, hitting us with combinations of anxiety, doubt and fear. The response is to counter punch with permession or permission to mess up.
As Brenda Ueland, author of If You Want to Write, puts it,
I found that many gifted people are so afraid of writing a poor story that they cannot summon the nerve to write a single sentence for months. The thing to say to such people is: "See how *bad* a story you can write. See how dull you can be. Go ahead. That would be fun and interesting. I will give you ten dollars if you can write something thoroughly dull from beginning to end!" And of course, no one can.
Freeing, isn't it?
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